DOCEX operates as a privately run post office, moving documents overnight between our members. Mail movement is therefore limited to the movement of documents between DOCEX members.

DOCEX does not move mail to, or for private individuals and organisations that are not DOCEX members. Each member receives a dedicated, numbered, lockable mailbox at one of the DOCEX exchanges. The members' have a specific DOCEX Address made up by the members' number at the exchange and the exchange name, e.g.

DX 27

DOCEX has over 250 exchanges situated at convenient and accessible points throughout South Africa and the neighbouring countries. Our members deliver and collect their mail to and from these exchanges on a daily basis. When the members' staff visit the exchange they would place all their outbound mail in the "out of town" box. This is the box DOCEX opens daily to collect the outbound mail for distribution. Members collect their incoming mail from their dedicated numberred mailbox. Each member has the key to their own box. Docex then collects the mail from these exchanges, sorts and distributes the mail to other members at the DOCEX exchanges throughout the country.

Payment for the service is made on a yearly basis. A single fee is invoiced on the members' annivesary date. This fee allows members to move a much mail for the entire year without further charges, on condition that weight limitations are adhered to.

The single fee not only saves our members a substantial amount of money, but also therefore makes our members' budgeting and control of mail movement expenses a simple task.

Most of our members save up to 60% on their mail expenditure by joining the DOCEX membership.

Our rules allow our members to move under two (2) kilograms of standard mail (not advertising or promotional material) per day, per other DOCEX member. If two (2) kilograms or more is moved to any other member in one day, the sending member will be charged the ruling excess weight price for that single items total weight.

Advertising or promotional material is treated as follows. The member may move up to four (4) kilograms in total per day. If four (4) kilograms or more of promotional material is sent in any one day the sending member will be charged the ruling bulk weight price for the total weight.

In the major cities of South Africa a daily delivery service is available. The availability of this service depends on the loading and routing of our routes in any specific area.

This service which comes at an additional fee means that a DOCEX staff member empties the members' mailbox and call at the members' address on a daily basis. At such a call the DOCEX staff member delivers any incoming mail, collects the outgoing mail and brings it to DOCEX for distribution via the normal DOCEX distribution system.

In all major centers DOCEX delivers to and collects from the offices of the local Municipality at no added cost to our members. Members need to address the mail to the relevant department indicating the actual offices where the delivery is required.

In all major CBD's DOCEX delivers to the Government Department Offices at no added cost to our members. Members need to address the mail to the relevant department indicating the actual offices where the delivery is required.

DOCEX delivers to and collects from the Government Printers at no added cost to our members. Members need to addressthe mail to the government printers indicating the actual offices where the delivery is required.

DOCEX delivers to and collects from the offices of the Master of the High Court at no added cost to our members. Members need to address the mail to the relevant department indicating the actual offices where the delivery is required.

In all major centers DOCEX delivers to and collects from the Principal Offices of the Banks and Insurance Companies at no added cost to our members. Members need to address the mail to the relevant department indicating the actual offices where the delivery is required.